Liam turned 1 year old today!!
I cannot believe it!
I always heard other parents say "once you have children, time just flies by." Wow were they correct! I remember so many details from the last 12 months, yet it seems like such a blur. It really feels like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. We were scared, tired and didn't know what to expect.
Fast forward an entire year.
I've been spending every single day (and night, at first) with this little boy. I've been nursing him, playing with him, reading to him, taking him for walks and rocking him to sleep for 365 days!
I can't express how amazing this past year has been. But I will admit, it was a roller coaster at first. It was really hard to adjust to everything. Matt and I were used to "just the two of us" and that changed in an instant, the night Liam was born. I also dealt with some postpartum depression around Liam's 6th month (which I'm not ashamed to admit). But with the wonderful support of my husband and family, we made it through!
Our days are now filled with a new kind of fun and excitement! Liam's first smile, first giggle, first bath, first roll over, first fart, first bruise (okay...the fart and bruise were not exciting). I can't even begin to explain how SO IN LOVE I am with this little human being Matt and I created. It's been so much fun watching him grow into his own little personality. He means the absolute world to me. He is the definition of cool.
I would not trade our little family for anything. Life has changed, but it has changed for the better :)
Liam spent his birthday with me, as usual. This is what we did:
Liam snuggled with me in bed for a while. |
We played for a while. |
He ate breakfast and demolished a birthday muffin. |
I took his 12-month photo, but he was too busy watching Sesame Street to smile. |
We got bundled up and headed to story time at the library.
Here are the board books we picked out. I wonder how germy they are. |
We went and bought groceries for Liam's party this weekend. |
We played some more. We made a little fort under a table. |
Big boy lunch. Applesauce, cheese, beans and cheerios. |
We lit a candle on a cupcake and sang to him. |
He tested out the cupcake. |
And enjoyed it thoroughly! |
I'll post photos from his party (on Saturday) later this weekend. Have a nice Friday everyone :)