Baby it's COLD outside. Which means Liam and I are pretty much stuck inside all day long. It's important that I try to keep him busy or else I seriously might go crazy! So I peruse
Pinterest and the mom-blogs that I follow for fun ideas to keep the little guy occupied.
I saw an idea on one of the mom-blogs I follow -
Growing A Jeweled Rose - and thought I'd give it a whirl. The mom/writer of the blog posts awesome creative projects, like how to make homemade paint, fun science experiments and sensory bin ideas. I came across her
Shivery Snow Paint recipe and it looked like something Liam would enjoy.
I worried a bit that he would try to eat it (like he does the play dough we made) but I told him over and over again "do not put it in your mouth" and he actually listened!
The recipe is really, really simple. All you need is school glue, plain foamy shaving cream, some glitter and a couple of drops of mint extract. The mint works nicely to mask the smell of the shaving cream.
You mix equal parts of glue and shaving cream together, and then stir in a ton of glitter and a few drops of the mint extract until it looks something like this:
I found an old, crappy paint brush in our basement (perfect for using with a gluey mess) and a wooden stick for Liam to use.
It was sticky, gooey and messy -- perfect for a little boy!
It kept him busy for a good 10-15 minutes.
I decided it need a little more color, so I added a squeeze of both green and red finger paints to the mess.
It dried puffy within a couple of hours. I think I may cut a few hunks out and turn them into Christmas ornaments...we'll see.
If any
Sheboygan moms want to try this with their kids, let me know. I will happily pass on the supplies since I already have them all. Sharing is caring :)