Here are Liam's answers, word for word:
What is your name? "Liam"
How old are you? "Four"
What is your favorite color? "Red"
What is your favorite animal? "Giraffe. Can I tell you why? Because it's tall, it has a long neck, and it has spots on it."
What is your favorite food? "Apples and bananas and pears. A pear starts with p."
(Mom's notes: Pickles, pickle/ham/mayo/cheese sandwiches, crab rangoon, carrot coins, pasta with garlic, ketchup, anything sweet!)
What is your favorite toy? "The toy train that's in Chloe's room."
(Mom's notes: Legos, marble run, magna-tiles, play doh, puzzles)
What is your favorite song? "Maybe Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."
(Mom's notes: Shake It Off, Three Little Birds, Moon Moon Moon)
What is your favorite book? "Ummm....Gruffalo, because he says his favorite food is Buffalo Crumble" (as he busts out laughing!)
(Mom's notes: Mix It Up, Monkey Truck)
What is your favorite TV show? "Ummm....Sesame Street. It's the only one I can say."
(Mom's notes: Ready Jet Go, Wild Kratts, Odd Squad)
Who is your best friend? "Ooh, I don't know. Maybe Cole."
(Mom's notes: Mom, of course!)
What make you happy? "Balloons."
What makes you sad? "If I don't drink something."
(Mom's notes: Time outs, when you don't get what you want)
What do you like to do indoors? "Play. Make stuff. Make food. Make robots. Play with play doh."
What do you like to do outdoors? "Play on my swing set. Make things with Daddy, with nails and wood, in the garage."
What do you want to be when you grow up? "I don't know. I have to think. Give me a minute. A mirror!" (as he busts out laughing)
And some prior interviews:
Liam's 3rd Birthday Interview
Chloe's 1st Birthday Interview
Only three days until the weekend!