

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

On golden pond

Some things that made me smile in the past couple of weeks:
(basically, a bunch of photos of the kids!)

Liam hanging out in the trees at my grandma's house. 
I'm so grateful he loves & appreciates the outdoors.

The pond near my mom's house. Every year I look forward to
seeing the trees' reflection in this pond.

These tiny pumpkins I placed by my dad's gravestone with Liam & Chloe's names
on them. It may seem odd that this made me smile...but I feel peaceful after I visit 
his grave (after feeling sad and bummed out of course). It's quiet & peaceful at
the cemetery and I feel like he's close to me/watching over me when I'm there.

This little peanut in the stroller, out for a walk.

And this little man, insisting that he walk instead of ride in the stroller.

Seeing my nephew hang out with Chloe on my mom's living room floor.
He's a high school boy, so you think he'd be 'too cool' to hang out with family, right? 
But that's not the case at all. He has so much love for his family and younger cousins.
I'm grateful that Chloe and Liam have my nephew Tim to look up to some day!

Chloe and my nephew Hudson, just chillin' out. Pooping. Burping. Sleeping.
How cool that they'll be growing up together so close in age :)

Seeing my brother Nate and niece Bella ride on my mom's lawn mower together.
 It reminds me so much of when I would ride on the lawn mower with 
my dad when I was Bella's age!

Our mantel, decorated for Halloween.


Liam so proud of his pumpkin.

Chloe trying to touch her pumpkin. S--t--r----e--t----c---h

A vintage globe that Liam got from his Nana. I'm lovin' it.

That's it for now...

Enjoy the remaining days of October folks!

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