

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A finished piece

I recently finished a pastel for my friend Sarah and her husband Brian. Sarah has done some amazing photo shoots of Liam (she's a professional photographer - you can see her work at and this pastel was done in exchange for her services. 

She picked out a photograph of tulips from a coffee table book that she had. So it's not a "true"original of mine, since I didn't take the photograph myself. But I wanted her to pick out a photograph that she loved.

I use soft pastels for my "paintings," as I call them. I don't use paintbrushes. I use my fingers to smudge and blend and paint the paper with the chalk. I discovered the technique years ago and I've been obsessed with it ever since.

This pastel took me a while to complete. Since I stay at home with Liam during the day it's pretty hard to find a good solid hour or two to work on a piece of art. So my mother-in-law made quite a few trips to our home, once a week, to give me a few hours to work on it.

It still has to be matted and framed, but that will be picked out by Sarah.

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out :)

To the left: the photo that Sarah picked out
To the right: my rough drawing of the flowers


More progress....

The finished piece (unframed)!

I'm working on making a time lapse video of this pastel. I took photos of the painting along the way (about 20 of them) and hope to share the video with you once I figure out how to do it on iMovie!

Have a safe, fun and peaceful 4th of July everyone!

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