

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

They're everywhere

I enjoy reading. At any given time I have about 15 magazines and 3 books sitting on a pile, ready to be explored.

But it's hard to find a solid hour to just sit down and immerse myself in a book or magazine.

I suppose I could crawl into bed right after Liam's asleep at night and read. But I choose to spend that quiet time with Matt.

And I could probably get some reading in while Liam takes his afternoon nap. But I choose to do laundry, pick up the house, shower, eat and do whatever else I need to do during that time.

Those books and magazines...they sit. Lonely and calling my name.

But I've devised a plan! A plan to open those pages.

Basically, I've started to place magazines everywhere in the house. On the kitchen table. On my nightstand. In the bathrooms. Near every sitting area. Everywhere. Yes, it looks a little messy and it can be annoying at times, but it works!

When I have reading material close by, it allows me to read little bits and pieces whenever I have time:

Catalogues near Liam's play corner...

Magazines on the coffee table...

A 'Parents' magazine near Liam's high chair...

And there's always some reading material next to the bed...

Mags next to a chair...

Who doesn't have magazines near the toilet? You're lying if the say you don't!

More magazines in a bathroom...

I've found a way to stay happy throughout the day. 

When I read my 'Time' magazine I feel empowered and free. When I read my 'People' magazine I am ridiculously amused. And my newest book "Bossypants' makes me laugh.

I'd like to know...what magazines and books are you loving these days??

Things that made me smile last week:

Cuddled on the couch with Matt

Got fabric swatches for the kitchen curtains I plan to make

Spent quality time with my mother-in-law

Snuggled with Liam on the couch & watched Sesame Street

Enjoyed a movie with a close girlfriend

Watched Liam splash around & giggle in the bathtub

Liam called me "mama"

Have a great rest of the week!


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