So let's backtrack to Chloe's birthday...which was way back in April!
We celebrated Chloe's second birthday with a birthday party attended by family.
This beautiful little girl woke up happy and ready for her party
On your birthday you get to eat Cool Whip with breakfast...
I can't believe our sweet little girl is two years old already!

The theme was rainbows...
Take-home treats for the kids
Rainbow craft station for the kids
Proud big brother Liam
And of course a rainbow cupcake cake...
And rainbow food...
Lucky little girl with her gifts...
A card from cousin Bella...
Her gift opening helper, cousin Hudson
New shades from grandma
Aunt Becky wishing Chloe a happy birthday via Face Time
Cake time!
She was pretty tired at this point in time
Getting a little help blowing out the candles from cousin Rylan and Liam
Happy birthday to our little sweetie. Our little peanut. Our little cutie.
You are so full of life and love. We are so lucky to have you as our daughter.
Mom and Dad
See Chloe's 1st Birthday Party here
See Chloe's 1st Birthday Interview here
See Chloe's 2nd Birthday Interview here