A few things that have made me smile lately...
Thanksgiving dinner at my mom's house.
Liam and his cousin Rylan.
Yes, this is three kids playing on three iPads.
The kids looovvveeee grandma's house :)
A sweet little message my niece Caroline wrote on the
chalkboard in my mom's kitchen.
Liam's first snowman of 2014.
Chloe has turned out to be a GREAT little gift wrapping helper.
My nephew's Christmas band concert at Blue Harbor.
Liam painting. I know, he does it all of the time. But it still makes me
smile, seeing him experiment with the colors & brushes. My little artist.
This sign I found at Hob Lob. I had to get it for the kitchen.
The tree is decorated, thanks to another great helper in the family named Liam.
The crazy dining room, filled with exciting Christmas To-Do things.
Wrapping gifts and making ornaments and decorating. Fun chaos.
Our cat Marlee being "fine" with Chloe chasing her around, tugging on her tail,
pulling her fur. What a good cat she is.
Testing out the (vintage) mixer we got from Matt's grandma :)
It's first hoorah -- Christmas cookie dough.