Summer was busy. So busy that I neglected this blog for a couple of months! But I'm okay with that. I tried to sit down and write on here SO many times, but I just didn't feel like it. But now that Liam is in 3K (eek!) and it's starting to feel a bit like Fall (ick!) I'm going to find more time to sit down and do this. I love blogging, it's just that taking the kids to the park, and walking down to the beach, and grilling fresh corn, and running through the sprinkler trumped everything else :)
So here's a real quick recap of some of the things we did this summer. I'd love to share it ALL, but that would take me too long. So here's what I have for you:
We kept busy with art & activities (a.k.a. time for me to get some laundry done).
I can give my kids a bowl full of beans & noodles & a scoop and it keeps them busy for an hour.
We took our first trip to Bay Beach as a family.
And you better believe it, Matt and I took turns riding on the Zippin Pippin.
A bike ride & dinner with friends.
We borrowed our neighbors' tandem bike and it was awesome!
We did lots & lots of walking to many places.
Exploring neighborhoods, the waterfront, the farmers' market, piers, downtown, etc.
We met neighbors and friends at the beach for bonfires.
And hung out at our favorite beaches as a family.
We visited one of our favorites, Bookworm Gardens, a few times.
Matt and I attended my St. Mary's School Class of 1995 (8th Grade) class reunion.
It was so, so nice to see everyone and catch up.
And spent LOTS of time on our back deck & in the yard.
Our sand/water table got an insane amount of use this summer from both kids.
Play dates every Tuesday.
Outdoor concerts and food carts (dinner) at the JMKAC and downtown green space.
And more music and food...
Evenings out with my girlfriends.
I helped plan my future sister-in-law's bridal shower.
And went to the PGA with my mom.
These two grew up so much this summer:
THIS sweetie is full-on walking & running everywhere, eating every food imaginable, screaming/mumbling/pointing, giggling, loving on her brother and just blooming with personality, love and smarts. Chloe, you are simply my favorite little girl ever.
And THIS handsome little man has started going to 3K twice a week, for two hours. Happy and energetic one minute, cranky and moody the next minute. A total 3 1/2 year old! Smart and funny and artistic. He amazes me every day. Liam, I love you 'more than pancakes & syrup.'
Matt, I have not forgotten about you! You are still my favorite man in the world. Thank you for working so hard so we could do all of this fun stuff this summer :)