Well...for Christmas this year my sister-in-law gave me a perpetual calendar where I write down a special tidbit or event from each day. It has become too time consuming for me to write a tidbit down in my perpetual calendar plus write it in my blog each day, so I've stopped adding Daily Smiles to this blog.
I thought of a more fun way to share the things that make me smile each week here on my blog - I'm going to start my Weekly Smiles. At the end of the week I will post some of my favorite moments via photographs. I take so many photos each week, on my Nikon, my iPhone and the iPad. So I figured, why not just download some photos and share them. It's fun for me and more visually stimulating for you.
And I'm changing it to weekly smiles instead of "daily" because, honestly, some days we don't even leave the house or the play/toy corner! I definitely smile at Liam and Chloe in the toy corner many times a day, but do you really want to see photos of Liam playing with Matchbox cars every day? And Chloe drooling on her play mat? And then there are some days when we actually get out and walk to the park or pick veggies from the garden and those days warrant more photos :)
Finding time to blog has become a bit hard for me (toddler + newborn = not a ton of personal time). But blogging keeps me somewhat sane and I love doing it, so I'm going to try really hard to keep up with this.
So here it goes...my first Weekly Smiles...complete with photos and blurbs:
'Up north' at our cabin this past weekend my niece and nephew showed Liam how to fish...
Liam played nicely (most of the time) with his cousins...
Here are my niece and nephew splashing around in the lake. The water was about 40 degrees, but they didn't care at all! These are some true Wisconsin kids.
My niece turned 14!! How did that happen? I feel so freaking old. We celebrated
with her at the cabin. Happy birthday, sweet Caroline :)
Matt and Liam sharing a moment. Makes my heart flutter.
I am obsessed with Chloe's little feet! I can't get enough of these cute toes.
I already have a vast collection of Chloe Feet Photos :)
Our neighbor left a bottle of this by our back door this week. Who knew there
was a bottle of wine named after our kid!
I actually baked something. I found time! They are not from scratch (what. ever.) but they
were still yummy (yes, they're gone already).
Our perennials are finally blooming in our yard...
It was warm enough outside for Liam to play in his sandbox...
Chloe enjoyed the warm weather too. Although I'm a pretty paranoid mom
when it comes to keeping her warm, so she was still bundled up in a blanket.
We took a family trip to a local garden center (Caan Floral and Greenhouses) and bought some more perennials to add to the gardens in our front yard...
And I scored THESE at a rummage sale yesterday!! Liam, Chloe and I were out for a
walk and came across some rummage sales in an alley nearby. And I found these
bad boys!! Can you tell I am excited? They are perfect for our kitchen and just the
right size for a small cup of coffee in the morning. And guess how much I scored them for?
$2 for the entire set!! And they're vintage Fire King.
Lastly...we're chicken-sitting for our next-door neighbor this weekend.
Look at what Matt found in their coop today? Fresh eggs...yeehaw!
And here's Matt putting them in their coop for the night.
Note how Liam is intently watching his dad :)
Happy weekend to you all...